People are looking for your Childcare in your area. Do you have your center listed?

It's free to be on MyKidReports

MyKidReports Helps Your Preschool to Get More Visibility, Increase Enrollment and Easy Management
30+ thousands of people
visits MyKidReports each month to find best preschools, daycare & childcare near to them
80% of Users
Are choosing the preschool that are listed on MyKidReports
Lifetime free listing
Gain more visibility by just listing with us. No expiry of your listing
We makes it easy to connect with new families and grow your Preschools
We help you to get noticed
Having a strong presence on MykidReports helps you establish trust with potential customers. Get listed for lifetime so that people can find your preschool
  • Add your preschool so that parents can find you
  • Add photos to show why you are best
  • Add your USP to attract parents that are currently looking for childcare
  • Get you listing indexed on all major search engines
  • Inbuild management tool to help you manage your preschool smothly
  • You can create your own website by simply drag-n-drop
  • Inbuild marketing tool to grow your preschool
Additional Perks you will get at MyKidReports
Simplifying the Admission & Billing Process

To make the admission process simplifying, preschools can use an online admission system & automated billing that completes the process in minutes without too much paperwork.

Quick Parents-Teachers Engagement

Quick communication between parents & teachers allow them to get up-to-date about a child's activities, daily progress and well-informed about upcoming events.

Increase Enrollment

By automating daycare operations, preschools can increase enrollments, scale business, and make more money. With us, you can quickly and easily manage your center real-time.

Easily Track Payments

Preschools can track & store each payment information to their servers online and save paperwork.

Customizable Website

You will get a built-in drag-n-drop website builder, with customizable templates and options that suit your center's unique requirements.

Marketing Automation

Access email campaigns and social media advertising with MyKidReports to boost your preschool's enrollment and stand out in your community. Sign up now to take your marketing strategy to the next level.

Ready to get started?

Your listing is free for lifetime, easy, and only take a few minutes.