What certifications do I need to open a daycare?
09 Nov 2023

1. What Certifications do I need to open a daycare?

Are you considering opening a daycare? then you often ask yourself what certifications I need to open a daycare. Then congratulations on taking this exciting step in providing a nurturing environment for children. As a daycare owner, you play a vital role in shaping young minds and providing essential care during a crucial stage of development.

To ensure that you establish a safe and high-quality daycare facility, it is important to understand the certifications required for this profession. In this article, we will explore that w various certifications you need to open a daycare and how they contribute to the success of your venture. Although there are some certifications you will need to open a daycare to choose the best childcare software management for preschool & daycare in 2023 not need any certifications.

2. Importance of certifications for daycare owners

Obtaining the right certifications is crucial for daycare owners for several reasons. Let's delve into the significance of these certifications in ensuring safety, meeting legal requirements, and building trust with parents.

A. Ensuring safety and quality care

Safety and quality care are of utmost importance certifications to open a daycare. Parents entrust their children to daycare providers, expecting their little ones to be well cared for in a secure environment.

Certifications are pivotal in ensuring that daycare owners and staff possess the necessary skills and knowledge to provide a safe and nurturing space for children.

B. Meeting legal requirements

Certifications to open a daycare involves complying with specific legal requirements. Certifications help daycare owners meet these legal obligations and ensure their facility operates within the guidelines. This includes adhering to health and safety regulations, child-to-staff ratio requirements, and maintaining appropriate records.

C. Building trust with parents

Certifications provide reassurance to parents that their children are in capable hands. By showcasing your certifications, you demonstrate your commitment to professionalism, ongoing education, and the welfare of the children under your care. This instills confidence in parents and strengthens their trust in your daycare facility.

3. Basic certifications for daycare owners

Certain certifications are considered fundamental for daycare owners. These certifications provide a solid foundation of knowledge and skills required to operate a daycare effectively. Let's explore some of these basic certifications.

A. First aid and CPR certification

A valid first aid and CPR certification is needed to open a daycare. Accidents and emergencies can occur anytime, and being prepared to handle them promptly and effectively is crucial. First aid and CPR training equips daycare providers with the skills to respond appropriately in emergencies and potentially save lives.

B. Child care license or certification

Obtaining a childcare license or certification is a legal requirement for operating a daycare in most jurisdictions. This certification ensures that your facility meets specific standards and regulations the licensing authority sets. It comprehensively evaluates your daycare center's physical environment, health and safety practices, staff qualifications, and policies.

When applying for a childcare license, states usually provide a set of requirements that childcare center directors must meet to obtain the license.

Some states mandate that childcare center directors hold a degree in child development, social work, education, or a related field. In other states, a high school diploma or GED certificate may be sufficient, along with completing relevant coursework from an accredited college.

States typically impose age requirements for childcare providers, such as being at least 18 years old. Moreover, directors and teachers often need a minimum number of years of teaching experience to qualify for licensure, depending on the type of childcare program. 

Even if a degree in child development is not mandatory in your state, many families prefer childcare centers with highly trained and educated staff, so having a relevant degree can help demonstrate your qualifications to prospective families and support career advancement.

You may need some certifications to open a daycare center but you do not need to have any agreements to manage your daycare activities on a daycare management software, MyKidReports gives a 30-day free trial that too without any extra charges or agreements.

4. Additional certifications for enhanced care

While basic certifications are essential, going above and beyond can elevate the quality of care you provide in your daycare. Consider obtaining additional certifications that focus on specialized areas of child development and education.

A. Early childhood education certification

An early childhood education certification demonstrates your expertise in fostering the development and learning of young children.

This certification enhances your understanding of age-appropriate curriculum planning, child behavior management, and creating an engaging learning environment. It equips you with the knowledge and skills to effectively support children's cognitive, social, and emotional growth.

B. Specialized training for child development

Children come from diverse backgrounds and may require specialized care and support. Pursuing certifications in areas such as child psychology, special needs care, or bilingual education can help you cater to the unique needs of individual children.

These certifications enable you to provide inclusive care and ensure that every child receives the required attention and support.

5. Business and administrative certifications

Many certifications are needed to open a daycare. Because running a daycare involves caring for children and managing the business aspects of your facility, consider acquiring business and administrative certifications to enhance your skills in these areas.

A. Small business management certification

A daycare involves various business-related tasks, such as financial management, marketing, and personnel administration.

A small business management certification equips you with the knowledge and skills to handle these responsibilities effectively. It covers budgeting, marketing strategies, staff management, and legal compliance.

B. Accounting and financial management certification

Managing the finances of your daycare center is crucial for its sustainability and growth. An accounting and financial management certification provides you with the necessary skills to handle financial tasks effectively.

It includes budgeting, bookkeeping, financial analysis, tax compliance, and payroll management.

C. State-specific certifications and regulations

In addition to the certifications needed to open a daycare mentioned above, daycare owners must comply with state-specific certifications and regulations.

These requirements can vary depending on the location of your daycare facility. It is important to familiarise yourself with the licensing and certification requirements specific to your state.

Find out what your state's requirements are for daycare certification



North Dakota









Rhode Island



South Carolina

Delaware Mississippi

South Dakota

District of Columbia












Certain states also mandate that childcare providers adhere to particular record-keeping protocols, including keeping track of staff training hours, child immunization records, and meal documentation.

An invaluable resource like the center management feature of MyKidReports can simplify administrative responsibilities, and streamline record-keeping, parent-teacher communication, and reporting procedures, ultimately saving valuable time and enabling efficient program management.

D. State licensing requirements

Each state has its licensing requirements for daycare centers. These requirements outline the minimum standards for operating a daycare facility, including health and safety guidelines, staff qualifications, child-to-staff ratios, and background checks. Familiarize yourself with your state's licensing regulations to ensure compliance.

Child-to-staff ratios should be like this:

1. Infants (under 12 months): One trained adult for every three to four infants

2. Young toddlers (1 to 2 years): One trained adult for every three to six young toddlers

3. Older toddlers (2 to 3 years): One trained adult for every four to six older toddlers

4. Preschoolers (3 to 5 years): One trained adult for every six to ten preschoolers

E. Child abuse and neglect prevention training

Many states require certifications to open a daycare from daycare providers, and one of them is to undergo child abuse and neglect prevention training. This training equips you with the knowledge to recognize signs of abuse or neglect and take appropriate action. It helps create a safe environment for children and ensures their well-being. 

6. Accreditation for daycare centers

Obtaining accreditation for your daycare center can bring numerous benefits, including increased credibility and recognition. Accreditation signifies that your facility has met rigorous standards of excellence set by reputable organizations.

Consider pursuing accreditation from recognized bodies such as the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) or the National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC).

A. National association for the education of young children (NAEYC)

NAEYC accreditation is a highly respected recognition in the early childhood education field. It signifies that your daycare center meets comprehensive quality standards in curriculum, teacher-child interactions, health and safety, and family engagement. NAEYC accreditation demonstrates your commitment to providing young children with the highest level of care and education.

B. National association for family child care (NAFCC)

If you operate a home-based daycare, NAFCC accreditation is an option worth considering. This accreditation validates the quality of care provided in a home setting.

It focuses on health and safety, curriculum, relationships with parents, and professional development. NAFCC accreditation can differentiate your home-based daycare and attract parents seeking a nurturing and educational environment for their children.

7. Benefits of obtaining certifications

Obtaining certifications to open a daycare for daycare owners offers several advantages. Let's explore some of the key benefits.

A. Professional development and knowledge enhancement

Certifications provide opportunities for continuous learning and professional growth. They expand your knowledge and equip you with the latest best practices in child care, early childhood education, and business management.

Continuous professional development ensures that you stay updated with industry trends and maintain high standards of care in your daycare facility.

B. Marketing and competitive advantage

Certifications serve as powerful marketing tools. They demonstrate your expertise, commitment to quality, and dedication to ongoing improvement.

Promising your certifications prominently in your marketing materials and website can attract parents seeking a reputable daycare facility. Certifications provide a competitive advantage, helping you stand out in a crowded market.


Opening a daycare requires a range of certifications to ensure safety, quality care, and compliance with legal requirements. Basic certifications like first aid, CPR, and child care licenses are essential.

Additional certifications in early childhood education, specialized child development, and business management enhance the quality of care you provide and the efficiency of your operations.

State-specific certifications and accreditation from recognized organizations further establish your daycare's credibility and professionalism. So these were some certifications to open a daycare. By obtaining the necessary certifications, you position yourself as a capable and trustworthy daycare owner, ready to provide a nurturing environment for children's growth and development.

To establish a daycare business, in addition to obtaining a license, what other requirements must be fulfilled?

Ensuring that your business complies with all licensing regulations and daycare requirements forms the bedrock of your enterprise. Subsequently, you must embark on the task of opening and efficiently managing your childcare center.

This involves recruiting staff, promoting your center, attracting customers, handling payroll, maintaining parent communication, and attending to numerous other responsibilities.

MyKidReports is a daycare management software that offers a comprehensive suite of tools to assist you in efficiently managing all aspects of your business once you have acquired your license. Experience the convenience of MyKidReports by starting a 30 days free trial today.

Witness how our platform simplifies the operations of your child care center by consolidating attendance tracking, and parent engagement features into a single, user-friendly interface. With MyKidReports handling administrative tasks, you can fully dedicate yourself to your passion for educating and nurturing the children under your care.

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