25 Activities For 1- 2-Year-Olds In Childcare
09 Mar 2024

The purpose of Activities For 1- 2-year-olds In Childcare is not only to keep them busy but also to support their general development. Toddlers are naturally interested and want to learn about the world around them at this age. By involving children in enjoyable and instructive activities, you can improve their physical skills, mental stimulation, and social and emotional growth.

Age-appropriate, safe, and basic activities are what childcare facilities should offer to children ages 1-2. The development of language, social interaction, fine and gross motor abilities, and sensory experiences should all be prioritized. Additionally, these exercises have to be adaptable so that young children can explore in their own time and manner.

We will look at a range of activities in this guide that are specially made for children in daycare between the ages of 1-2. In addition to being entertaining and stimulating, these activities aid in their development and progress during this crucial time in their lives.

25 Fun And Easy Activities For 1- 2-Year-Olds In Childcare

1. Sensory Bins:

Children can have tactile and sensory experiences with sensory bins, which are containers filled with things like rice, beans, or sand. Toys, scoops, and containers for pouring, scooping, and investigating are frequently included. As kids work with the objects, sensory bins help with fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and sensory exploration.

To improve learning and play, they can be themed and include objects that are associated with certain seasons, animals, or textures.

Because they encourage children to play imaginatively and with no restrictions while using their senses, sensory bins are a common feature in early childhood education programs. They can also be soothing, giving kids a sensory-rich environment in which to unwind and concentrate.

2. Stacking Blocks:

Toys called stacking blocks are made for children to stack on top of one another to improve their hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and spatial awareness. Since these blocks are frequently composed of safe, pliable materials, young children can handle and play with them.

Toddlers learn about cause and effect, balance, and fundamental physics as they stack the blocks. In addition to being enjoyable and giving a sense of success, knocking down the stacked blocks promotes repetition and skill improvement. Stacking blocks are an adaptable toy that fosters a child's creativity and growth in a variety of ways.

3. Water Play:

Giving toddlers water containers to splash, pour, and play with allows them to explore their senses and provides educational possibilities. To make the experience better, it can have toys like water wheels, funnels, and cups. Playing in the water helps children develop their hand-eye coordination and fine motor abilities as they aim and pour.

Additionally, it presents fundamental scientific ideas like buoyancy and volume entertainingly. Playing in the water is not only entertaining for kids, but it also fosters their imagination and creativity and helps them form a good relationship with water.

4. Playdough Fun:

Playdough fun is giving toddlers non-toxic, soft playdough to roll, squeeze, and shape to encourage their creativity and fine motor abilities. Children may manipulate the dough and feel its texture, providing a sensory experience. Imagination and fine motor abilities can be further developed by using playdough with implements like cookie cutters and rolling pins.

It stimulates children's senses and creativity by letting them engage in hands-on exploration of colors, shapes, and textures. Playdough Fun is a flexible activity for 1- 2-year-olds In Childcare that offers countless chances for creative play and education. It may be tailored to various themes and hobbies.

5. Music and Movement:

Toddlers are encouraged to dance, clap, and move in time to the music during music and movement activities, which help them develop their gross motor skills, coordination, and sense of rhythm. These interesting and enjoyable exercises let kids use movement to express their creativity.

Toddlers learn to appreciate music and have a sense of rhythm through movement and music. They can elevate mood and concentrate and give energy a tangible outlet. Activities including music and dance can be done in groups or individually to promote collaboration and social connection. All things considered, they are a happy way for toddlers to grow in both their motor and cognitive abilities.

6. Shape Sorters:

Shape sorters are toys that teach toddlers about shapes, colors, and problem-solving techniques. They contain various shaped holes and matching blocks. Little ones enhance their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination by manipulating blocks to fit through holes. Shape sorters also establish the groundwork for more advanced cognitive abilities by teaching ideas like matching and spatial awareness.

Because children get to experience the satisfaction of properly fitting the blocks into the correct holes, they are meant to be both engaging and fulfilling. Shape sorters are appropriate for a range of ages and developmental stages because they are available in a variety of sizes and complexity levels.

7. Puzzles:

Toddler puzzles usually include large, easily handled pieces that fit into matching slots. As kids manipulate the pieces, they aid in the development of fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and problem-solving abilities. In addition, puzzles help develop cognitive abilities including color and shape recognition and spatial awareness. Toddlers get a sensation of achievement when they finish a puzzle, which motivates them to try harder.

These toys are entertaining and instructive for young children because they are available in a multitude of themes and patterns. Toddlers can develop their independence and confidence by solving puzzles on their own or with adult supervision.

8. Reading Time:

During reading time, adults or older kids read books to younger children to foster language development, good listening skills, and a love of reading. It offers a chance to connect and a soothing, joyful experience for the kid and the reader. Toddlers gain new vocabulary, concepts, and ideas via reading, which broadens their worldview. As toddlers interact with the stories and illustrations, it also inspires them to use their imagination and creativity.

Toddlers can participate in interactive reading sessions by pointing to pictures or asking questions, which helps them improve their comprehension and communication abilities. All things considered, spending time reading is a beneficial pastime that fosters a lifelong love of learning and reading.

Also read - The Power of Parallel Play: Building Social Skills in Daycares

9. Outdoor Exploration:

Allowing children to explore the outdoors while encouraging movement, sensory stimulation, and a connection to the natural world is known as outdoor exploration. It provides chances for the development of gross motor skills through running, climbing, and digging.

Toddlers who go outside with their senses piqued can see, touch, and hear the natural environment around them. Toddlers can learn in a stimulating setting where they are exposed to new textures, colors, and sounds. As toddlers explore and engage with their environment, they develop curiosity, creativity, and problem-solving skills. It also cultivates a lifetime love of nature by encouraging awe and admiration for the great outdoors.

10. Bubble Play:

By blowing bubbles and letting toddlers pursue and pop them, bubble play helps develop gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and visual tracking abilities. Toddlers can enjoy a sensory experience as they watch the colors and forms of the bubbles and feel their texture when they burst.

Toddlers can benefit from bubble play by becoming more focused and at ease. Along with promoting social interaction and sharing of bubble toys, it also helps toddlers play together. Toddlers can enjoy hours of fun and entertainment with bubble play, a straightforward but captivating game that can be done both indoors and outdoors.

11. Pretend Play:

Children who engage in pretend play, sometimes referred to as imaginative or role-playing, act out events from their imaginations or pretend to be someone else. It fosters children's social and emotional development by letting them experiment with various roles and feelings. As kids imagine new situations and solutions, pretend play also helps them become more creative and proficient at solving problems.

It may entail enhancing the play experience with costumes and props to promote language development and storytelling. A normal and significant aspect of childhood development, pretend play aids in children's social and emotional growth as well as their ability to make sense of the world.

12. Ball Play:

Toddlers engage in ball play when they roll, throw, and catch the balls, which helps them develop their gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and spatial awareness. Toddlers can feel the weight and texture of the balls in their hands, giving them a sensory experience. Playing ball can be done alone or with others, promoting collaboration and social engagement. Toddlers benefit from seeing how their movements affect the balls' motion, which aids in their understanding of cause and effect. Ball play is a pleasant and healthy activity for toddlers of all ages since it is adaptable and can be adjusted to varied situations and skill levels.

13. Color Sorting:

Toddlers can learn about colors, hone their visual discrimination skills, and expand their cognitive abilities by sorting objects according to color. As babies move things and match objects to appropriate colors, it enhances their fine motor abilities and hand-eye coordination. Toddlers learn fundamental math skills like classification and categorization through color sorting as well. You can use toys, blocks, or commonplace items from your surroundings, among other objects. Color sorting games can be entertaining and participatory, giving young children an enjoyable approach to developing their cognitive abilities and learning about colors.

14. Nature Walks:

Toddlers can explore and observe the outdoors on nature walks, which encourages physical activity, sensory stimulation for 1- 2-year-olds In Childcare, and a bond with the natural world. They give children the chance to interact with their senses by letting them touch, smell, and hear the natural environment around them.

Toddlers' interest and sense of wonder are sparked by nature hikes when they learn about many plants, animals, and natural components. They help toddlers develop their gross motor abilities as they run, climb, and walk outside. Walking in the natural world can be instructive because it offers the chance to discover various flora, animals, and habitats. In general, taking walks in the natural environment is a fun and healthy activity that promotes the physical, mental, and emotional development of children.

15. Dance Parties:

Toddlers are encouraged to dance during dance parties, which encourages social contact, physical activity, and rhythm recognition. They give toddlers an exciting and fun way to express themselves via movement. Dancing parties are a great way to celebrate friendship and community, whether you attend them alone or with others.

As they move to the music, they aid in the development of toddlers' balance, coordination, and gross motor abilities. Dance parties foster creativity and self-expression as well since babies have their own ways of interpreting the music. All things considered, dancing parties are a fun and energetic exercise that promotes the social and physical development of children.

16. Obstacle Courses:

Obstacle courses are made up of several physical hurdles that toddlers must overcome to improve their balance, coordination, and gross motor abilities. For toddlers, they offer an enjoyable and captivating means of enhancing their motor skills and spatial awareness. Obstacle courses can be erected both indoors and outdoors with the help of things like balance beams, tunnels, and cones.

As toddlers figure out how to get over each obstacle, they foster problem-solving skills. As toddlers conquer obstacles and successfully finish the course, obstacle courses also help to foster confidence and self-esteem in them. All things considered, toddlers' physical growth and confidence-building are supported by obstacle courses, which are an engaging and healthy pastime.

17. Texture Exploration:

Giving young children a range of textures to touch, feel, and investigate is known as "texture exploration," and it helps with tactile development and sensory stimulation. It can consist of things like squishy toys, smooth stones, harsh sandpaper, and soft textiles. Toddlers learn about various textures in their surroundings and enhance their sense of touch through texture exploration.

Additionally, it can be soothing and comforting, giving toddlers a sensory-rich experience that helps them unwind and concentrate. Toddlers might benefit from interactive and instructive texture exploration activities for 1- 2-year-olds In Childcare that encourage them to utilize their senses to explore and discover new textures. In general, toddlers benefit greatly from texture exploration as an activity that enhances their sensory development and cognition.

18. Art Activities:

Toddlers may develop their creativity, fine motor skills, and sense of self-expression by creating their artwork with supplies like crayons, markers, paint, and paper. Toddlers may explore a variety of colors, shapes, and textures through these activities, which will stimulate their imagination and senses.

Toddlers can express themselves freely in open-ended art activities or follow a guided approach that offers a specific theme or technique to explore. As toddlers try various ways to use the art supplies, they promote experimenting and problem-solving skills. Toddlers who participate in art activities for 1- 2-year-olds In Childcare gain confidence and self-worth as they produce and exhibit their artwork. In general, art activities are a delightful and captivating means for young children to express themselves artistically and acquire critical abilities.

19. Watercolor Painting:

Toddlers can enhance their artistic expression, fine motor skills, and inventiveness by painting with watercolors, which are water-based paints. Toddlers can play with mixing colors, forming various textures, and employing various brush techniques. Painting with watercolors is a flexible medium that may be used to produce a variety of effects, from soft, delicate washes to bright, vivid colors

Toddlers are encouraged to experiment with painting and find visual ways to express themselves. Toddlers who paint with watercolors can benefit from therapeutic and calming activities that help them focus and concentrate. All things considered, it's an enjoyable and captivating pastime that fosters toddlers' imaginative growth.

20. Outdoor Picnics:

Toddlers can eat meals or snacks outdoors in a natural setting during outdoor picnics, which encourages social contact, sensory stimulation, and a connection to the natural world. For toddlers, they offer an enjoyable and soothing environment in which to eat, play, and explore outside.

Playing with balls, bubbles, or other outdoor toys at an outdoor picnic can promote physical activity and the development of gross motor skills. Additionally, they give young children the chance to interact with and watch nature, which stimulates their curiosity and feelings of wonder. Families or groups can strengthen their bonds through outdoor picnics, which foster social interaction and communication skills. In general, taking toddlers on outdoor picnics is a fun way to introduce them to the great outdoors and the wonders of nature.

21. DIY Sensory Bottles:

To provide toddlers with visual and auditory stimulation, parents can make their sensory bottles by filling them with materials such as rice, glitter, or beads.

Toddlers can shake and examine the contents while they are sealed to avoid spills. To enhance sensory exploration, sensory bottles can have themes based on colors, shapes, or textures. Toddlers are encouraged to focus and be calm while they watch the objects inside move slowly. Using materials from around the house, sensory bottles are simple and affordable to build. They are flexible and interesting sensory exercises for toddlers since they can be tailored to meet specific tastes and sensory requirements.

22. Storytelling with Puppets:

Using puppets to act out stories or scenes helps infants develop their imagination, language, and social-emotional abilities through storytelling. Toddlers may interact with stories and characters playfully and engagingly, which encourages their creativity and storytelling abilities.

Role-playing and creativity are encouraged when adults or children tell stories with puppets. As they relate to the characters and plot, it aids in the development of empathy and understanding in infants. As toddlers follow along with the story, puppet storytelling can also help with attention span and listening abilities. All things considered, it's a fun and instructive game that promotes toddlers' growth in some areas.

23. Building with Blocks:

Toddlers can develop their fine motor skills, spatial awareness, and creativity by stacking and arranging blocks to form structures as they build with blocks. Toddlers can investigate ideas such as equilibrium, steadiness, and cause and effect while constructing and dismantling their creations. Block building promotes teamwork and social connection and can be done alone or in groups.

As kids explore various layouts and designs, it also aids in the development of problem-solving abilities in toddlers. Block building is a flexible activity that can be tailored to suit a variety of interests and skill levels, offering countless chances for creative play and education.

24. Animal Sounds Game:

Toddlers can practice auditory discrimination, memory, and language development by playing the Animal Noises Game, which involves them imitating and identifying various animal noises. It offers infants an entertaining and captivating method to learn about animals and their sounds.

Playing the game in a group or alone promotes turn-taking and social engagement. As they attempt to recognize and mimic the animal sounds, it aids in the development of infants' listening abilities. Teaching young children about the variety of animals and their distinctive sounds is another educational benefit of the Animal Sounds Game. All things considered, it's a fun and engaging game that promotes toddlers' language and cognitive development.

25. DIY Musical Instruments:

Toddlers are encouraged to explore their senses, be creative, and develop their fine motor abilities by playing with homemade musical instruments constructed from common household items. They might be as basic as shaking grains in a sealed container or as intricate as building a cardboard box drum.

DIY musical devices foster auditory discrimination and rhythm awareness in infants by letting them experiment with various sounds and rhythms. They give kids an enjoyable and interactive method to interact with sound and music. Toddlers can develop a sense of pride and ownership by decorating and personalizing their DIY musical instruments. All things considered, they're a creative and instructive exercise that promotes musical expression.

For Further Readings -

Fall Learning Activities In 2024 - MyKidReprots

Understanding Associative Play in Early Childhood