List Of 30 Sensory Activities For Toddlers And Infants
17 Nov 2023

1. What are sensory activities?

Sensory activities are designed to stimulate and engage the senses of individuals, particularly children. They involve using different materials, textures, sounds, and visual stimuli to provide sensory experiences that promote learning, development, and exploration.

2. What is sensory for kids?

Sensory for kids refers to activities, experiences, and environments that stimulate and engage their senses. Children explore the world through their minds, including touch, sight, sound, taste, and smell. Sensory activities are designed to provide opportunities for children to use their senses and enhance their sensory development actively.

3. Why sensory activities are important for toddlers?

Sensory activities offer numerous benefits for toddlers' development. They help refine and strengthen their sensory systems and promote cognitive skills, language development, and social interaction. Sensory play also supports their fine and gross motor skills, problem-solving abilities, and emotional regulation.

4. What are sensory activities for toddlers?

Sensory experiences play a crucial role in the development of toddlers. Sensory for toddlers refers to activities and environments that engage their senses and promote exploration, learning, and development.

Toddlers actively use their senses to understand the world around them, and sensory activities provide them with opportunities to enhance their sensory skills and stimulate their cognitive, motor, and social-emotional development.

  • Sensory activity 1: sensory bins

Sensory bins are containers filled with materials that offer various textures, colors, and objects for toddlers to explore.

Fill a bin with rice, pasta, sand, or dried beans, and add scoops, cups, and small toys. Let your toddler dig, pour, and discover different sensations while engaging in imaginative play.

  • Sensory activity 2: playdough play

Playing with playdough is a fantastic sensory activity for toddlers. The squishy texture of the dough provides tactile stimulation while rolling, shaping, and squeezing. It helps improve their fine motor skills.

Encourage your toddler to use cookie cutters, plastic utensils, or their hands to create different shapes and objects.

  • Sensory activity 3: water play

Water play is always a hit with toddlers. Fill a basin or a water table with water and provide cups, funnels, and bath toys.

Let your little one splash, pour, and explore the properties of water. Water play promotes sensory integration and hand-eye coordination and provides a refreshing sensorial experience.

  • Sensory activity 4: sensory scavenger hunt

Create a sensory scavenger hunt by hiding objects with different textures and shapes around a designated area.

Give your toddler a list of items to find, such as something soft, rough, or round. This activity encourages active exploration and sensory discrimination. Other Useful Math Activities for children.

  • Sensory activity 5: sensory art

Engage your toddler in sensory art activities using finger paints, textured brushes, or different textured papers.

Please encourage them to explore the materials with their hands, fingers, or feet, creating unique and colorful masterpieces. Sensory art enhances creativity, fine motor skills, and sensory exploration.

  • Sensory activity 6: sensory obstacle course

Set up a sensory obstacle course using pillows, cushions, tunnels, and balance beams. Include different textures like rugs, bubble wrap, or smooth surfaces.

This activity challenges your toddler's motor skills, coordination, and balance while providing a multisensory experience.

  • Sensory activity 7: nature sensory walk

Take your toddler on a nature sensory walk in a park or garden. Please encourage them to touch leaves, flowers, and tree bark, listen to birds singing, and smell different scents in the environment. Nature walks stimulate their senses, curiosity, and appreciation for the natural world.

  • Sensory activity 8: sensory exploration with food

Introduce your toddler to new textures and flavors through sensory exploration of food. Offer them a variety of safe and age-appropriate foods with different textures, such as crunchy carrots, smooth yogurt, or juicy berries.

Let them touch, smell, and taste the foods, encouraging their sensory exploration and expanding their palate.

  • Sensory activity 9: sensory music and dance

Create a sensory-rich environment for your toddler by playing music and encouraging them to dance and move to the rhythm.

Provide musical instruments, scarves, or ribbons for them to explore different sounds and textures while expressing themselves through movement. Music and dance enhance their auditory, visual, and kinesthetic senses.

  • Sensory activity 10: sensory storytelling

Engage your toddler in sensory storytelling using books with textured pages, interactive flaps, or scratch-and-sniff elements.

Please encourage them to touch and feel the textures as you read the story, making it a multisensory experience. Sensory storytelling promotes language development, imagination, and sensory engagement.

Resources: Developmental domains

  • Sensory activity 11: sensory balloon play

Inflate balloons and create a sensory play activity by allowing your toddler to explore the balloons' texture, sound, and movement.

They can squeeze, throw, or kick the balloons, experiencing the different sensations they provide. This activity promotes gross motor skills, coordination, and sensory stimulation.

  • Sensory activity 12: sensory texture sorting

Prepare several containers filled with materials like cotton balls, sandpaper, feathers, or fabric scraps.

Encourage your toddler to sort the objects based on their textures. This activity promotes tactile discrimination, fine motor skills, and cognitive development.

  • Sensory activity 13: sensory sensations jar

Create a sensory sensations jar by filling a clear container with water, food coloring, glitter, and small objects like beads or sequins. Securely seal the pot, let your toddler shake, and observe the mesmerizing sensory display. This activity provides visual stimulation and encourages focus and calmness.

  • Sensory activity 14: sensory shaving cream play

Spray shaving cream on a tray or table and let your toddler explore the fluffy texture. They can draw shapes or patterns in the cream or use their hands and fingers to create sensory art. Shaving cream play enhances their tactile senses and creativity.

  • Sensory activity 15: sensory foam bath

Transform bath time into a sensory experience by adding foam soap or bath crayons to the water. Let your toddler explore the textures, colors, and scents while enjoying their bath. Sensory foam baths provide relaxation, sensory stimulation, and fun bath time.


Engaging in sensory activities is enjoyable for toddlers and crucial for their overall development.

These activities allow them to explore and understand the world through their senses, fostering cognitive, motor, and social-emotional skills. Incorporate these sensory activities into your toddler's daily routine to promote growth and provide meaningful play experiences.

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Now let us move on to the sensory activities for infants

1. What is Sensory for infants?

Sensory experiences play a crucial role in the development of infants. During their first year, infants explore and make sense of the world primarily through their minds. Sensory activities for infants involve providing stimulating experiences that engage their senses of touch, sight, sound, taste, and smell.

Infants are born with a natural curiosity and a desire to explore their surroundings. Sensory activities allow them to engage their senses and make sense of the world around them.

These activities stimulate their brain development and promote sensory integration.

2. Why sensory activities are important for infants?

Sensory activities for infants offer numerous benefits for infant's development. They help form neural connections, stimulate cognitive growth, and support the development of fine and gross motor skills. Sensory experiences also foster bonding between infants and caregivers and contribute to their well-being.

  • Sensory activity 1: tummy time

Tummy time is an essential sensory activity for infants. Place your baby on their tummy on a soft, safe surface and encourage them to lift their head, push up on their arms, and explore their surroundings.

This activity helps strengthen their neck, back, and arm muscles while providing visual and tactile stimulation.

  • Sensory activity 2: high contrast visual stimulation

Babies are attracted to high-contrast patterns and colors. Use black and white or bold, contrasting colors in toys, mobiles, or picture books to capture their attention and stimulate their visual development. Place these items within their line of sight to encourage visual tracking and engagement.

  • Sensory activity 3: baby massage

Gentle massage provides infants with soothing tactile stimulation. Use baby-safe oils or lotions and massage your baby's arms, legs, back, and tummy gently. Massage promotes bonding and relaxation and enhances their sense of touch.

  • Sensory activity 4: sensory toys

Provide your infant with various sensory toys that offer different textures, sounds, and shapes. Soft plush toys, rattles, teething rings, and crinkly toys can engage their senses of touch, hearing, and grasping. Introduce toys with different sensory features to encourage exploration and sensory discovery.

  • Sensory activity 5: sensory bottles

Create sensory bottles by filling clear plastic bottles with water, glitter, tiny beads, or colorful objects.

Seal the bottles securely and let your infant observe the movement and colors inside. Sensory bottles provide visual stimulation and can promote a sense of calm and focus.

  • Sensory activity 6: baby gym or playmat

Set up a baby gym or lay down a sensory playmat with various textures, colors, and hanging toys. This setup encourages infants to reach, grab, and kick objects, promoting their motor skills and sensory exploration.

Place toys with different textures and sounds within their reach for added sensory stimulation.

  • Sensory activity 7: sensory bath time

Bath time can be an excellent sensory activity for infants and a great experience. Use warm water and introduce bath toys with different textures and water-squirting features.

Gently pour water over their bodies and allow them to splash and play. Bath time provides tactile and proprioceptive stimulation while promoting relaxation.

  • Sensory activity 8: musical exploration

Expose your infant to a variety of sounds and music. Play soothing lullabies, classical music, or nursery rhymes. You can also provide musical toys or instruments for them to explore, such as rattles, shakers, or toy pianos. Musical experiences enhance auditory development and encourage rhythm and movement.

  • Sensory activity 9: texture play

Offer your infant different textured materials to touch and explore. Soft fabrics, textured balls, ribbons, or sensory blankets can provide tactile stimulation.

Let them grasp, squeeze, and manipulate these objects, promoting their fine motor skills and sensory exploration.

  • Sensory activity 10: Sensory Songs and rhymes

Sing sensory songs and rhymes that involve actions or movements, such as "The Wheels on the Bus" or "Pat-a-Cake."

These interactive songs engage multiple senses, combining auditory stimulation with tactile and kinesthetic experiences. Singing and movements promote language development and sensory integration.

  • Sensory activity 11: baby sign language

Introduce simple baby sign language gestures to communicate with your infant. Use signs for common words like "eat," "milk," or "more."

Combining verbal and visual cues enhances their understanding of language and provides a sensory connection between communication and actions.

  • Sensory activity 12: sensory nature walk

Take your infant on a sensory nature walk in a park or garden. Let them touch leaves, grass, and tree bark.

Point out different colors, listen to bird sounds, and feel the gentle breeze. Nature walks expose infants to various sensory stimuli, promoting curiosity and connection with the natural world.

  • Sensory activity 13: mirror play

Place a safe, unbreakable mirror in front of your infant during playtime. Please encourage them to look at their reflection, smile, and make funny faces. Mirror play helps develop their visual tracking, self-recognition, and social-emotional skills as they interact with their thinking.

  • Sensory activity 14: sensory balloon play

Inflate balloons and provide safe supervision as your infant explores their soft texture, bright colors, and gentle movements.

Let them touch, pat, and watch the balloons float. Balloon play encourages visual tracking, hand-eye coordination, and sensory engagement.

  • Sensory activity 15: sensory lullabies

Create a soothing sensory experience before bedtime by playing soft lullabies and incorporating gentle touch and rocking motions.

Combine the auditory stimulation of calming music with gentle movements and caresses to create a sensory-rich environment that promotes relaxation and prepares your infant for sleep.


Engaging infants in sensory activities help stimulate their senses, promote cognitive and motor development, and strengthen the caregiver-infant bond.

You can support their overall growth and well-being by providing opportunities for sensory exploration and stimulation. Incorporate these sensory activities into your daily routine to enhance your infant's sensory experiences and encourage their development.

Final thoughts:

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