How Engaged Are You with Your Employees?
02 Apr 2024

More than ever, employee engagement is important in today's fast-paced workplaces. Not only are engaged workers happier and more content in their jobs, but they also have a tendency to be more productive and dedicated to the success of their company. Understanding and enhancing employee engagement as a child care center manager or owner can have a big impact on the standard of care given to kids and the general performance of your facility.

Knowing What to Ask Your Employees

When it comes to measuring employee engagement, knowing what questions to ask your employees is crucial. By asking the right questions, you can gain valuable insights into how your employees feel about their work and the organization as a whole. Here are some key questions to consider:

1. Is What is Expected of you Clear? -

"Is what is expected of you clear?" is a crucial question to ask your employees when assessing their engagement levels. This question aims to understand if your employees have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities within the organization. When employees are uncertain about what is expected of them, it can lead to confusion, frustration, and a lack of motivation.

As an employer or manager, it's essential to ensure that your employees have a clear job description outlining their duties, responsibilities, and performance expectations. Regular communication and feedback can also help clarify expectations and address any misunderstandings or uncertainties.

By asking this question and addressing any issues that arise, you can help improve employee engagement and ensure that your team is aligned and working towards common goals.

2. Do you Have What you Need to do your Work Successfully? -

Asking your staff, "Do you have what you need to do your work successfully?" is another crucial way to find out how engaged they are. This inquiry seeks to determine whether workers have access to the materials, equipment, and assistance they need to carry out their duties well.

Having the proper tools may make a big difference in worker engagement, job happiness, and productivity. Feelings of not having the resources or assistance needed to do their work well can cause employees to become frustrated, demoralized, and ultimately less productive.

Ensuring that your employees have access to the resources they require to perform their tasks efficiently is crucial if you're an employer or manager. This could entail giving instruction, making equipment and technology purchases, and providing assistance and direction when required.

You may enhance employee engagement and foster a more upbeat and effective work atmosphere by posing this question and filling in any resource deficiencies.

3. Do you Have a Daily Opportunity to do What you do Best Here at Work?

One question that focuses on employee strengths and whether they get the chance to use those skills in their daily work is "Do you have a daily opportunity to do what you do best here at work?" This is a crucial subject since studies have shown that workers who can leverage their abilities at work exhibit higher levels of engagement, productivity, and loyalty to their employers.

By posing this query, you can find out whether your staff members believe their present positions are making good use of their abilities and capabilities. Employee disengagement, boredom, and irritation can arise if they believe their strengths are not being utilized at work. 

Managers and employers must provide staff members with chances to apply their abilities in their day-to-day work. This could entail giving them assignments that play to their strengths, giving them chances for training and growth to sharpen their abilities even further, and praising and rewarding them for their efforts.

Encouraging employees to do what they do best will assist in increasing job satisfaction, employee engagement, and overall performance.

Also, read - Parent Teacher Conference

4. Are you Recognized for Doing a Good Job Regularly? -

One important question to ask when evaluating employee engagement is, "Are you recognized for doing a good job regularly?" Employee engagement, motivation, and morale can all be greatly impacted by recognition, which is a potent motivator.

Workers are more likely to be engaged and content with their jobs if they believe that their efforts are respected and appreciated. Positive actions can be reinforced, morale can be raised, and a positive work atmosphere can be created with regular acknowledgment.

It's critical for managers and employers to regularly and meaningfully recognize their staff members. This can come in a variety of forms, including verbal compliments, thank-you notes in writing, prizes, or other acknowledgments. Individual tastes must be taken into account when recognizing someone, and sincerity and genuineness must be guaranteed.

Asking this question can help you increase employee engagement and foster a happier, more productive work environment by making sure your staff members feel valued and acknowledged.

5. Do you Feel Encouraged in your Development Here? -

One inquiry that focuses on staff development is "Do you feel encouraged in your development here?" This is a crucial question since motivated, engaged, and contented workers are more likely to feel that their professional development is being supported.

There are various ways to support employee development, including by offering chances for career growth, mentoring, and training. To enable their staff to realize their greatest potential, businesses must make growth and development investments.

By posing this query and offering assistance for staff growth, you may enhance worker engagement and foster an environment that values ongoing education and advancement. 

6. Do you Feel Like your Opinions Count? -

An important question to ask when assessing employee engagement is "Do you feel like your opinions count?" The purpose of this inquiry is to determine whether or not staff members believe their opinions are respected and heard within the company.

Workers who are interested, devoted, and content with their jobs are more likely to believe that their perspectives are valued. Additionally, they are more inclined to offer suggestions and ideas that can advance the company.

Managers and employers must foster an environment where staff members feel free to voice their thoughts and opinions. This could entail aggressively requesting feedback, paying close attention to employee problems, and acting on their advice.

You may enhance employee engagement and foster a more diverse and cooperative workplace by posing this topic and resolving any issues that may come up.

7. Are your Co-Workers Committed to Doing Quality Work? -

The question "Are your co-workers committed to doing quality work?" focuses on cooperation and teamwork inside the company. This is a crucial question since engaged individuals are more likely to be driven to give their best work when they believe that their coworkers share their commitment to producing high-quality work.

Higher levels of engagement and job satisfaction might result from a supportive and encouraging work environment among coworkers. To make sure that workers feel encouraged to produce high-quality work, employers must promote a culture of cooperation and teamwork.

You may enhance cooperation and teamwork within your company by posing this question and resolving any issues that come up, which will raise employee engagement and performance levels.

8. Do you Have a Best Friend Here? -

One question that focuses on the social side of work and the bonds that employees have with their coworkers is "Do you have a best friend here?" Strong social ties at work can positively affect employee engagement and job happiness, which makes this subject crucial.

Studies indicate that workers who maintain close ties with their coworkers are more likely to be motivated, engaged, and content with their careers. The well-being of employees can be enhanced by these interactions by offering support, encouragement, and a sense of belonging.

Managers and employers must provide a friendly, welcoming workplace where staff members feel free to become friends with one another. Fostering a collaborative culture, offering chances for social interaction, and supporting team-building exercises can all contribute to the development of stronger bonds among staff members.

This question can help you increase employee engagement and foster a more uplifting and harmonious work environment by encouraging a culture of friendship and camaraderie.

9. Do you feel you can Learn and Grow Here? -

The question "Do you feel you can learn and grow here?" focuses on chances for growth and staff development. This is a crucial topic since motivated, engaged, and devoted workers are those who believe they can advance and learn within the company.

Encouraging employees to learn and develop is crucial to their happiness and retention. Workers are more prone to become disengaged and hunt for possibilities elsewhere if they perceive that their careers are stagnating or that there are little opportunities for progress.

Managers and employers must offer their staff members chances for professional growth, including training courses, mentorship programs, and career progression routes. You can increase employee engagement and produce a staff that is more talented and motivated by making investments in employee development.

By posing this query and attending to any issues that are raised, you can make sure that your staff members feel appreciated and encouraged in their attempts to develop professionally within the company.

Questions Your Employees Want Answered

In addition to asking your employees about their engagement levels, it's also important to consider the questions they may have. Addressing these questions can help improve communication and transparency within your childcare center. Here are some common questions your employees may want answered:

1. How do Decisions Made by Management Impact my Job? -

Workers must know how decisions made at the management level affect their day-to-day work by asking themselves, "How do decisions made by management impact my job?" Asking this question can make workers feel more educated and involved in the organization's decision-making process.

Employees should be aware of how management decisions affect their roles and responsibilities and the reasoning behind those decisions. Employees who receive clear information from management are better able to perceive the broad picture and comprehend how their unique contributions fit into the organization's overarching objectives.

By posing this query and maintaining open lines of communication, you can enhance worker engagement and develop a more knowledgeable and driven team. 

2. What can be Done to Make my Job Easier? -

One question that focuses on finding possible areas for improvement in the workplace or procedures is "What can be done to make my job easier?" Asking this question might give staff members the confidence to make recommendations that might improve productivity and job happiness.

Managers and employers must promote candid feedback and open communication among staff members. Asking this question will help you learn a lot about the difficulties that your staff members deal with and spot areas where you can improve workflows or offer more assistance.

By addressing these recommendations, you may demonstrate to staff members that you value their opinions and are dedicated to making their work easier and more satisfying, which will increase employee engagement and satisfaction.

3. What Opportunities are Available for me to Grow and Advance in my Career? -

It is imperative for employees seeking to progress in their careers to investigate the diverse chances offered by their organizations. Speaking candidly and openly about your professional ambitions with your manager or the HR department is one of the first steps. You can obtain important knowledge about the opportunities that are out there and the actions you need to take to achieve them by expressing your interest in career development.

To assist staff members in expanding their knowledge and skill set, numerous organizations provide a variety of development options, including training courses, seminars, and workshops. Enrolling in these programs can be an excellent approach to broaden your skill set, remain current with market trends, and get ready for promotions within the company. Moreover, asking more seasoned coworkers or executives for coaching or mentoring can offer insightful direction and encouragement as you pursue your professional goals.

Actively looking for new tasks and responsibilities within your existing position is another way to grow in your profession. You can show that you are skilled and dedicated to your work by taking on new tasks or taking the lead, which may open up prospects for development.

Developing a network both inside and outside of your company might lead to new opportunities for professional advancement. Participating in industry events, becoming a member of associations for professionals, and networking with like-minded individuals will help you remain up to date on job openings and develop important connections that will further your career.

In general, career advancement depends on taking initiative, looking for growth chances, and consistently learning new abilities. You can design a career path that is in line with your objectives and desires and results in a successful and rewarding career journey by taking charge of your career development.

4. What are the Policies and Benefits that Apply to me? -

To navigate your career and make sure you get the assistance and perks you deserve, it's critical to understand the regulations and benefits that relate to you as an employee. Organizational policies and perks might differ significantly, so it's critical to become familiar with the particular rules that apply to your workplace.

Policies usually address a variety of subjects, such as professional development, code of conduct, performance standards, leave, and attendance. These standards are intended to safeguard the business and its personnel while also clearly outlining expectations for behavior on the part of employees. You may make sure you are living up to standards and utilizing all perks and resources by becoming familiar with these policies.

Benefits, which can include paid time off, health insurance, retirement plans, and other advantages like gym memberships or flexible work schedules, are another crucial component of your job package. You may make more educated decisions regarding your general well-being, money, and health by being aware of your advantages. It's crucial to frequently evaluate your benefits package to make sure your demands are being satisfied and that you are utilizing all of the perks that are offered.

It's also critical to keep up with changes to benefits and policies. Periodically, employers may make changes to their benefits packages or regulations. As such, it's critical to be informed and to inquire about any changes you may not understand. Through comprehension and utilization of the policies and advantages at your disposal, you can guarantee that you are optimizing your work experience and positioning yourself for professional achievement.

5. How Does the Center Measure up in The Industry? -

Understanding your place in the market and pinpointing areas for development requires measuring how your childcare facility stacks up against others in the sector. Setting reasonable goals for expansion and development and gaining insightful knowledge about your center's performance are two benefits of benchmarking against industry standards and best practices.

Comparing important data like enrollment figures, staff-to-child ratios, and parent satisfaction ratings to industry averages is one approach to assessing how well your facility is performing. This can assist you in determining the areas in which your center is succeeding and those that might want some enhancement. To draw new families to your center, you might need to review your marketing plans or fee schedule if, for instance, your enrollment figures are lower than the industry average.

Understanding how your center's curriculum, facilities, and staff qualifications stack up against industry standards is another crucial component of measuring up in the field. Making sure your center satisfies these requirements or even surpasses them, can assist you in drawing in parents looking to provide their kids with excellent early childhood education.

Furthermore, keeping up to date with changes and trends in the sector can help you maintain your competitive edge and establish your center as a leader in the area. This could entail taking advantage of continuing education options, networking with other professionals, and going to industry conventions.

6. What are the Goals of The Center and How do They Affect Me? -

Comprehending the objectives of your childcare facility is crucial for coordinating your endeavors and augmenting its comprehensive triumph. A child care center's objectives might vary, but they frequently involve giving kids excellent care and instruction, upholding a secure and caring atmosphere, and encouraging strong bonds with families.

These objectives may have a variety of effects on you as a worker. You might be requested to take part in events or programs that are intended to improve interaction and communication with families, for instance, if the center's objective is to increase parent satisfaction. In a similar vein, if increasing enrollment is the aim, you might engage in outreach programs or marketing campaigns to draw in new families to the center.

You may feel more a part of the work's mission and purpose and be able to see the wider picture when you know how your function fits into the center's objectives. Being able to see that your efforts are improving the lives of kids and families can also give you inspiration and a sense of purpose.

You may contribute to the center's success and provide a productive and fulfilling work environment for yourself and your coworkers by coordinating your efforts with its objectives.

How MyKidReports Can Help!

One way to improve employee engagement in your childcare center is by using tools and technology that make their jobs easier and more efficient. MyKidReports is one such tool that can help streamline communication between parents and teachers, through childcare communication software, reducing stress and improving job satisfaction.

MyKidReports allows teachers to keep parents informed in real time about what their kids are doing during the day. This level of communication is crucial to parent satisfaction, particularly for millennial parents who make up the majority of parents today. Happy parents translate to happy staff!

In addition to parent communication, MyKidReports can also help with other aspects of managing your childcare center, such as tracking attendance through childcare attendance software, managing schedules, and providing professional development opportunities for your staff.

By investing in tools like MyKidReports, you can demonstrate to your employees that you are committed to their success and well-being, which can go a long way toward improving employee engagement and retention in your childcare center.

In conclusion, employee engagement is a crucial factor in the success of any organization, including childcare centers. By asking the right questions, addressing employee concerns, and using tools like MyKidReports, you can improve engagement levels and create a more positive and productive work environment for your employees.


In conclusion, understanding and improving employee engagement in your child care center is essential for creating a positive and productive work environment. By asking the right questions and addressing employee concerns, you can gain valuable insights into how your employees feel about their work and the organization as a whole.

Providing opportunities for professional growth and development, recognizing and appreciating employee contributions, and fostering a positive work culture are all key factors in improving employee engagement. Additionally, using tools and technology, such as MyKidReports, can help streamline communication and make employees' jobs easier and more efficient.

By investing in your employees and creating a supportive and engaging work environment, you can not only improve employee satisfaction and retention but also enhance the quality of care provided to children in your childcare center.