12 Most Playful Activities For Infants In childcare
08 Mar 2024

Infants are curious, energetic, and constantly absorbing information from their surroundings. For childcare providers, creating a stimulating and nurturing environment is essential to supporting infants' development during this crucial stage. Infant activities are not just about keeping babies occupied; they are about providing experiences that promote growth and learning in all areas of development.

Infant activities in childcare should be designed to engage the senses, encourage exploration, and support the development of key skills such as motor skills, cognitive abilities, and social-emotional skills. These activities play a vital role in laying the foundation for future learning and development.

In this blog, we will explore the importance of Activities For Infants In childcare and provide a variety of engaging and age-appropriate activities that can be easily implemented in any childcare setting. Whether you are a childcare provider, a parent, or simply interested in early childhood development, this guide will provide valuable insights into creating a nurturing and stimulating environment for infants in childcare.

Why Infant Activities are Important?

Infant activities are crucial for the overall development of babies. During the first year of life, infants undergo rapid growth and development, forming the foundation for their future learning and behavior. Engaging in age-appropriate activities helps infants in several key areas:

1. Cognitive Development:

Infant activities stimulate the brain, helping infants learn about their environment and make sense of the world around them. Activities that involve exploring textures, shapes, and colors promote cognitive development.

2. Motor Skills Development:

Activities that encourage infants to use their muscles and practice coordination help develop gross and fine motor skills. This includes activities like reaching for toys, grasping objects, and eventually crawling and walking.

3. Sensory Development:

Infants explore the world through their senses, and activities that engage their senses of touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight help them develop sensory skills. Sensory activities also support brain development and help infants learn to process sensory information.

4. Emotional Development:

Engaging in activities with caregivers promotes emotional bonding and helps infants feel secure and loved. Activities that involve cuddling, singing, and playing help infants develop trust and a sense of security.

5. Social Development:

Even in the early months, infants begin to develop social skills. Activities that involve interaction with caregivers and other infants help infants learn to communicate, share, and interact with others.

6. Language Development:

Activities that involve talking, singing, and reading to infants help develop their language skills. Hearing language stimulates brain development and lays the foundation for future language acquisition.

When to Start Introducing Infant Activities?

It's never too early to start introducing activities to infants, as long as the activities are safe, age-appropriate, and tailored to the infant's developmental stage. Even newborns can benefit from simple activities that stimulate their senses and promote bonding with caregivers. Here's a general guideline for when to start introducing different types of Activities For Infants In childcare:

  1. Newborn to 3 months: During this period, infants are still developing their senses and motor skills. Activities should focus on gentle stimulation, such as talking to the baby, singing lullabies, and providing opportunities for skin-to-skin contact. Activities like gentle massage and tummy time can also be beneficial.
  2. 3 to 6 months: At this stage, infants start to become more aware of their surroundings and may show interest in toys and objects. Activities that encourage reaching, grasping, and exploring textures are ideal. Simple toys that make noise or have contrasting colors can be engaging for infants.
  3. 6 to 9 months: Infants at this stage are becoming more mobile and may start crawling or scooting. Activities that encourage movement, such as crawling through tunnels or playing with balls, can be beneficial. Activities that involve stacking blocks or fitting shapes into a sorter can also help develop fine motor skills.
  4. 9 to 12 months: By this age, infants may be starting to walk or cruise along furniture. Activities that encourage walking, such as pushing a toy walker or playing with soft balls, can help develop gross motor skills. Activities that involve banging objects together, stacking cups, or playing peek-a-boo can also be engaging.

Understanding the Seven Senses

1. Touch:

Infants explore the world around them through touch, using their hands and mouths to feel textures and surfaces. Gentle touches can soothe and comfort infants, while different textures can stimulate their senses and promote sensory development. Providing a variety of tactile experiences, such as soft blankets, smooth toys, and textured fabrics, can help infants develop their sense of touch and learn about the world around them.

2. Taste:

Infants use their mouths to explore objects and taste different flavors. While taste is often overlooked in early childhood development, it plays a crucial role in sensory exploration and learning. Providing safe and age-appropriate toys and objects for infants to explore with their mouths can help stimulate their sense of taste and promote sensory development.

3. Smell:

Infants are sensitive to smells and can be comforted or stimulated by different scents. Smell plays a significant role in memory and emotional regulation, making it an important sense to stimulate in early childhood. Providing infants with a variety of scents, such as scented toys, flowers, and food, can help stimulate their sense of smell and promote sensory development.

4. Hearing:

Infants are responsive to sounds from the moment they are born. They are particularly attuned to familiar voices and sounds, which can comfort and soothe them. Playing music, singing lullabies, and making gentle sounds can help stimulate infants' sense of hearing and promote auditory development.

5. Sight:

Infants are drawn to bright colors and contrasting patterns, which can capture their attention and stimulate their visual development. Providing infants with visually stimulating toys, books, and objects can help develop their sense of sight and promote visual exploration.

6. Vestibular Sense:

This sense helps infants understand their body's position in space and is stimulated through movement. Activities that involve rocking, swinging, and bouncing can help stimulate infants' vestibular sense and promote balance and coordination.

7. Proprioception:

This sense helps infants understand the position of their body parts relative to each other. Activities that involve gentle stretching, reaching, and crawling can help stimulate infants' proprioceptive senses and promote body awareness and coordination.

12 Activities For Infants in Childcare

1. Mega Block Jumping:

Mega blocks are oversized building blocks that are perfect for infants to explore and play with. They can stack them, knock them down, and even jump over them, which helps develop their gross motor skills and coordination. This activity is not only fun but also helps infants learn about cause and effect as they see the blocks fall or stay standing.

2. Snowball Pick Up:

This activity involves filling a container with soft, lightweight "snowballs" (cotton balls or foam balls) and encouraging infants to pick them up and move them from one container to another. It helps develop their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, as well as their understanding of object permanence as they see the snowballs disappear into the container.

3. Foil Painting:

Foil painting is a fun and messy art activity that infants will love. Simply crumple up a piece of aluminum foil, dip it in paint, and let infants explore the textures and patterns they can create on paper. This activity helps develop their creativity and sensory skills as they feel the different textures of the foil and paint.

4. Wine Cork Drop:

This activity is great for developing infants' hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Simply provide a container with a small opening and some wine corks, and encourage infants to drop the corks into the container. They'll have fun experimenting with different ways to drop the corks and watching them fall into the container.

5. Painting Ice Cubes:

Painting with ice cubes is a fun sensory activity that infants will enjoy. Simply freeze some colored water in ice cube trays, and let infants paint with the ice cubes on paper. This activity helps develop their sensory skills as they feel the ice cubes and watch the colors melt onto the paper.

6. Dot Sticker Turtle:

This activity is a great way to introduce infants to shapes and colors. Provide a picture of a turtle outline and some dot stickers in different colors. Encourage infants to stick the dots onto the turtle outline, matching the colors to the dots. This activity helps develop their fine motor skills and color recognition.

7. Fizzy Jungle:

Fizzy Jungle is a fun science experiment that infants will love. Fill a container with baking soda and provide some small containers of colored vinegar. Encourage infants to pour the vinegar onto the baking soda and watch it fizz and bubble. This activity helps develop their understanding of cause and effect and introduces them to basic chemical reactions.

8. Bubble Wrap Rainbow Stomp Painting:

This activity is a fun way for infants to explore colors and textures. Simply lay out a piece of bubble wrap, dip it in paint, and let infants stomp on it to create a colorful painting. This activity helps develop their gross motor skills and sensory skills as they feel the bubbles popping under their feet.

9. LEGO Car Wash:

This activity is a great way for infants to explore different textures and practice their fine motor skills. Simply provide some LEGO bricks and a bowl of soapy water, and encourage infants to wash the bricks with a brush or sponge. This activity helps develop their hand-eye coordination and sensory skills as they feel the wet bricks and soap suds.

10. Book Drop:

This activity is a simple but effective way to introduce infants to books and encourage them to explore different textures. Simply provide a basket of soft, colorful books and encourage infants to drop them into a container. This activity helps develop their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, as well as their understanding of object permanence as they see the books disappear into the container.

11. Tubes and Caps:

This activity is a great way for infants to explore different shapes and sizes. Simply provide a variety of cardboard tubes and plastic caps, and encourage infants to stack and sort them. This activity helps develop their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, as well as their understanding of shapes and sizes.

12. Pom Pom Colour Construction Site:

This activity is a fun way for infants to explore colors and textures. Simply provide a variety of colored pom poms and some construction vehicles or containers, and encourage infants to sort the pom poms by color or use them to fill the vehicles or containers. This activity helps develop their color recognition and fine motor skills.


In addition to being enjoyable, exposing newborns to stimulating Activities For Infants In childcare is essential for their growth. Childcare providers can support infant growth and development by exposing them to a range of activities that stimulate their senses and promote curiosity. Innumerable other activities may be customized to meet the requirements and interests of each newborn; these 12 are only a starting point.

For Further Reading:

20 Outdoor Learning Activities for Preschoolers
15 Easy Fun Activities for Preschoolers 

The Power of Parallel Play: Building Social Skills in Daycares

Stages of Play & Their Role in Child Care